Wednesday, October 26, 1988

10/26/1988 - Scorpions: Savage Amusement Tour

Geez, a year and a half out of school and I was attending a Scorpions concert. What the heck was I thinking?  Savage Amusement marked the beginning of the decline for the Scorpions.  Another one that I am not sure who I went with but it must have been Mike.  IIRC it was a decent show.

Friday, February 19, 1988

1988/02/19 - Yes - Big Generator Tour

I did not recall going to this one.  I can't recall much about it but I do have some thoughts on the Talk Tour from 1994.

Friday, January 29, 1988

1/29/1988 - Rush: Hold Your Fire Tour

I recall thinking that the concert came off as formulaic and "Business-like".  They did the set, they walked off, waited about 20 seconds and came back out an did an encore, walked off again and the lights immediately turned on.  "We're done here guys, go home."